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2. PMI
(1) ISM Manufacturing Data ((可偷看「芝加哥採購經理人指數」))
(2) Markit Economics Manufacturing PMI ((族繁不及備載,請看 press release))
3. 摘要:
- July 2012 Manufacturing ISM Report On Business® PMI at 49.8%. Economic activity in the manufacturing sector contracted in July for the second time since July 2009; however, the overall economy grew for the 38th consecutive month. ((美國))
- 其他地區族繁不及備載
- A reading above 50 percent indicates that the manufacturing economy is generally expanding; below 50 percent indicates that it is generally contracting.
4. 延伸閱讀:
(1) 郭恭克觀點
- 臨界點50%是很重要的判斷指標。例子:「指數雖小幅下跌,但仍持穩於擴張臨界點50%以上,顯示服務業經濟景氣仍持續擴張中。」
- 同時參考構成PMI的細項,判斷經濟走向。例子:「新接訂單代表廠商未來出貨量,外銷指數則是國外需求強弱指標。就業市場指數也印證非農業就業人口續減的現況。」((New Orders,Production,Employment,Supplier Deliveries,Inventories,Customers' Inventories,Prices,Backlog of Orders,Exports,Imports))
- ((Background: 36.3 升至 40.1)) 從指數趨勢來看,美國製造業或許已走過最黑暗期,但離真正復甦仍有一段距離。從市場實證分析,ISM服務業指數縱使從低於50攀升至50以上,美國股市未必會由空翻多。((這是事實!證據: